Oscar Mike Solutions

Dedicated to safe passage during contested evacuations.

See below for more information on how to support or receive support.

Oscar Mike Solutions (OMS) is a remarkable organization founded by military veterans and industry experts, dedicated to ensuring the safe evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies during the challenging US withdrawal from Afghanistan. With a wealth of experience in information technologies, cybersecurity, intelligence, strategy, logistics, and military operations, OMS has successfully evacuated over 3,000 American citizens, Afghan partners, and vulnerable allies.

Our guiding principle is a commitment to all human life, without favoritism to any special-interest group. OMS stands as a beacon of hope, showcasing the powerful synergy of business acumen and purpose-driven action.

Our unique value lies in the STAR methodology:

1. **Strategy:** We excel in problem framing, defining success metrics, and creating solution-oriented roadmaps.

2. **Tactics:** We identify partners with a proven track record in channeling goodwill toward specific needs.

3. **Alignment:** We nest tactical goodwill within a larger strategic plan to bring about social change.

4. **Results:** Our focus is on aligning tactics to a larger strategy, attaining self-sustainable success and reducing the need for external assistance over time.

At OMS, we envision a world where donors and sponsors make a tangible impact by directing resources toward solutions, rather than merely throwing money at problems. Join us in our mission to protect lives, support holistic solutions, and create a future where compassion and strategy come together to bring about lasting change.

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“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”

Walter Elliot

About Oscar Mike Solutions
Oscar Mike Solutions (OMS) was founded by military veterans and industry experts to support the safe evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies whose lives were endangered by the hasty withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.

Industry experts come from domains such as information technologies, cyber security, intelligence, strategy, logistics, and military operations, and OMS has benefited from hundreds of combined years of related experience in coordinating the safe passage of those in need. To date, OMS has evacuated over 3,000 American citizens, Afghan partners, and other vulnerable allies.

OMS values all human life and does not support any special-interest group over another. Key prioritization includes proper triaging for criticality, legality, safe passage, and family integrity.

All operations are funded through private donations, big and small. Evacuees are never charged for OMS services, but OMS services cannot be maintained without external support. Donations will support payment for aircraft, ground movement, safe passage, safe harbor, food, security, reintegration, and the proper administrative and technological architecture required to support these critical and sensitive operations.

A Human Centered Journey
We have developed a human centric journey devoted to supporting both safe passage and emotional well-being. From the moment people reach out for support until they are safely at destination, we remain in communication with them, provide for immediate needs to the extent of our resources, and facilitate information flow and consent-based critical decision making.

Oscar Mike Solutions is a Virginia nonprofit corporation and is tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).